Let us suppose, we have to create the OddList[+T]
which contains only odd number of elements.
Now can we do something like this
OddList(1,2) //Works fine
OddList(1,2,3) //Compilation error
if there is no condition of odd/even then we would simply do as below
object OddList{
def apply[T](eles: T*) = ...
But can we control number of arguments that could be passed?
Thanks @Dylan and everyone who asked to explore to macros way. I don't know if there are better ways, I would love to know but macros way works for me, at least for now. I tried the below code and it worked.
trait OddArgHolder[T]{
val args: Seq[T]
case class OddArgs[T](args: Seq[T]) extends OddArgHolder[T]
object OddArgHolder{
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context
def applyMacro[T](c: Context)(method: c.Expr[T]*): c.Expr[OddArgHolder[T]] = {
import c.universe._
if(method.size % 2 == 0){
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Only odd number of arguments allowed")
} else {
val met = method.map(m => c.typecheck(m.tree))
c.Expr(c.parse(s"OddArgs( $met )"))
def apply[T](method: T*): OddArgHolder[T] = macro applyMacro[T]
//Compiletime output:
//Only odd number of arguments allowed
// println(OddArgHolder(1,2))