
Extract names of second [given] level of nested list in R

I have a nested list. Each level of this list is named (as in provided dummy example). I want to extract the names (unique) from the 2nd level of my initial list, so I will be able to use them in some further operations.

I know how to do it in two steps, but I wonder whether there is more efficient/elegant solution. Also I wonder whether the regex approach would be faster (I am noob at regex).

Here is a dummy list:

x <- list(one = list(one_1 = list(seq = 1:9, start = 1, end = 5),
                     one_2 = list(seq = 2:11, start = 2, end = 6),
                     one_3 = list(seq = 3:12, start = 3, end = 7)),
          two = list(two_1 = list(seq = 1:13, start = 8, end = 222),
                     two_2 = list(seq = 1:14, start = 13, end = 54)))

And here is my code:

allnames <- names(rapply(x, function(x) head(x, 1)))
desirednames <- unique(sapply(strsplit(allnames, ".", fixed=TRUE), "[", 2))


  • A possible solution, based on purrr::map_depth:

    map_depth(x, 1, names) %>% unlist(use.names = F)
    #> [1] "one_1" "one_2" "one_3" "two_1" "two_2"