I place an IMU on my wrist and extend my arm as shown in the photo below. I spin in a circle once, while my arm remains in the fixed position. I calculate the euler pitch and quaternion angle. In the photo below, the euler pitch remains approximately constant ( my hand shakes a bit ), while the quaternion angle increases linearly it seems. My data is located here: (sample_data.csv)
What changes should I make to measure the angle from the quaternion? ( I suspect it is in form of RPR', adjust to world axis, but am unsure what P would be )
Matlab code:
table = readtable("sample_data.csv", 'Delimiter', ',');
euler_angles = zeros(length(table.w),1);
quaternion_angles = zeros(length(table.w),1);
for idx = 1:length(table.w)
w = table.w(idx);
x = table.x(idx);
y = table.y(idx);
z = table.z(idx);
euler_angles(idx) = getEulerAngle(w,x,y,z);
quaternion_angles(idx) = getQuaternionAngle(w,x,y,z);
hold on;
ylabel("Angle in deg");
plot(quaternion_angles, 'bo');
hold off;
function angle = getQuaternionAngle(w,x,y,z)
q = quaternion(w,x,y,z);
angle = acosd(w);
function angle = getEulerAngle(w, x, y, z)
mag = (2*(y * w - z * x));
angle = rad2deg(asin(mag));
Assuming you rotate around an axis [x;y;z]
, the post you refer to states that the quaternion associated with the rotation is of the form:
q(1) = cos(r/2);
q(2) = sin(r/2)*x;
q(3) = sin(r/2)*y;
q(4) = sin(r/2)*z;
Where r
is the angle in radians and [x;y;z]
is the 3d vector representing the axis around which you rotate.
To get the instantaneous rotation r
you need to calculate 2*acos(q(1))
for an angle in radians, or 2*acosd(q(1))
for an angle in degrees.
Now plotting the data from your csv file gives the following:
Which is coherent with the assumption that w
is the first coordinate of your quaternion, and that you indeed rotate mostly around z
Euler angles (Or more likely Tait Bryan angles) are a different way to represent a rotation. A rotation is represented by a composition of 3 elemental rotations. These 3 rotations are sometimes called yaw, pitch and roll. If you want to fully represent your rotation, you will have to calculate all of these 3 elemental rotations:
table = readtable("sample_data.csv", 'Delimiter', ',');
w = table.w;
x = table.x;
y = table.y;
z = table.z;
[yaw,pitch,roll] = getAngles(w, x, y, z);
quaternion_angles = getQuaternionAngle(w);
figure; plot([quaternion_angles,yaw,pitch,roll]);
function angle = getQuaternionAngle(w)
angle = 2*acosd(w);
function [yaw,pitch,roll] = getAngles(w, x, y, z)
yaw = atan2d(2*(y.*z + w.*x), w.*w - x.*x - y.*y + z.*z);
pitch = asind(-2*(x.*z-w.*y));
roll = atan2d(2*(x.*y + w.*z), w.*w + x.*x - y.*y - z.*z);
See? The angle around Z is represented by the roll (the discontinuity is due to the use of arctan). When you rotate around yourself, the angle increases steadily between 0 and 360º. You can also see that you have a bit of yaw, i.e your IMU is a bit tilted