
Angular HTTP client GeoServer REST API mapping

I'm using an Angular service to interact with the GeoServer REST API. The JSON response for getting layers is:

    "layers": {
        "layer": [
                "name": "facility",
                "href": "http://localhost/geoserver/rest/workspaces/unacorn/layers/facility.json"
                "name": "opensky",
                "href": "http://localhost/geoserver/rest/workspaces/unacorn/layers/opensky.json"

My service method is:

public getLayers(): Observable<Layer[]> {
    let layerUrl = this.geoUrl + "/rest/workspaces/unacorn/layers";
    return this.http.get<Layer[]>(layerUrl, this.httpOptions)
        map(response => {
          return {
            layers: <Layer[]>response.layers.layer

***UPDATED 7/7: The caller code is:

ngOnInit() {

  let layers = Layer[];
  this.geoService.getLayers().subscribe((response: Layer[]) => {
    if (response) {
      console.log(response.length) // Array length 2
      layers = response;
  console.log(layers.length) // Array length 0

In the console, the second log output shows up first, which seems to mean that it is being executed before the subscribe has returned. I can work around this with scope, but I seem to be missing something fundamental.


The model for a layer is:

export interface Layer {
  name: string
  href: string

The data is getting returned correctly, but I can't get the mapping to my model to work properly. This is the error I'm seeing at compile time:

Type 'Observable<{ data: any; }>' is not assignable to type 'Observable<Layer[]>'. Type '{ data: any; }' is missing the following properties from type 'Layer[]': length,pop, push, concat, and 29 more.ts(2322)

All the docs and posts I've read show casting to the model interface is the correct approach. I'm likely just missing something simple. TIA for any assistance!


  • The error is that line:

    return this.http.get<Layer[]>(layerUrl, this.httpOptions)

    You are writing that the return type from the GET should be Layer[] but it is not. It is an Object with a property Layers. The type of GET (value in <>) should be the type that the API returns. To solve the issue, you can create an interface representing the type of the return value. Solution:

    export interface ApiResponse {
      layers: {
        layer: Layer[]
    public getLayers(): Observable<Layer[]> {
      let layerUrl = this.geoUrl + "/rest/workspaces/unacorn/layers"; 
      return this.http.get<ApiResponse>(layerUrl, this.httpOptions)
          map(response => {
            return response.layers.layer;