I've been trying to intercept CTRL+D
so I can use it to represent 'document' for a CLI I am building. I have been unsuccessful identifying how to intercept it when using readline with keypress.
Is there a specific signal event I can listen for and override the default readline
behavior to exit the application when CTRL+D is pressed?
It's also notable that CTRL+D
does not exit the application if other keys have been pressed. But this is untenable as a solution.
Any help would be appreciated!
import readline from'node:readline'
const stdin = process.stdin
const stdout = process.stdout
const rl = readline.createInterface( stdin, stdout )
rl.on('line', line => {
stdin.on('keypress', async (str, key) => {
if(key.name === 'd' && key.ctrl === true){
process.on('SIGINT', ()=>{
Control + D is not a regular operating system signal like SIGINT.
It is used on stdin as "end-of-transmission" information by readline and many others to close stdin. Here is a snippet of the node readline source1 handling it:
case 'd': // delete right or EOF
if (this.cursor === 0 && this.line.length === 0) {
// This readline instance is finished
} else if (this.cursor < this.line.length) {
I can't see a way of changing this behaviour in readline without overiding readlines _ttyWrite
function or some type of interception before readline handles stdin.
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