
assign data query to each Polygon with bindpopup Leaflet in Codeigniter

i wrote some codes in Codeigniter to assign query result into each polygons with $.getJSON but i found some problems. Here is my $.getJSON code

$.getJSON("<?php echo base_url(); ?>Request/showData", function(data) {
            var area_data = new Array(3);
            var total_data = new Array(3);
            for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                area_data[i] = data[i].Area;
                total_data[i] = data[i].total;      
            layer.bindPopup(area_data + ':' + total_data);

from this js script, i got this kind of result

abc picture

The expected result is each polygon shows its alphabet and value same like the red color. but right now i have each polygon shows all alphabets and values from query.

model function

public function map()
    $query = $this->db->query(
        "SELECT Area, sum(Value) as total from ( select Area,Value from try_1 union all select Area,Value from try_2 ) view_vall group by Area"
    return $query->result_array();

controller function

public function showData()
        $aa = $this->model_request->map();
        echo json_encode($aa);     

Thanks in advance


  • turns out that i found the answer..

    it needs to add conditional with if after the looping and add variable to put value inside bindpopup.

    $.getJSON("<?php echo base_url(); ?>Request/showData", function(data) {
            var area_data = new Array(3);
            var total_data = new Array(3);
            for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                area_data[i] = data[i].Area;
                total_data[i] = data[i].total;      
            var popup;
            if ( == 'A') {
              popup = area_data[0] + ':' + total_data[0];
            } else if ( == 'B') {
              popup = area_data[1] + ':' + total_data[1];
            } else {
              popup = area_data[2] + ':' + total_data[2];