
Sending email via Google API - Failed precondition

I'm trying to use my Google Workspace account to send emails in my Spring Boot application. I went to the Google Cloud Console and I:

  1. Created a new project and selected it (namely APPLICATION_NAME_FROM_GOOGLE_CONSOLE)
  2. Enabled the Gmail API
  3. Created a OAuth consent screen
  4. Navigated to "Credentials" and created a new "Service account credentials", which gave me a new email I will call it EMAIL_ADDRESS_CREATED_WHEN_CREATING_THE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT

Then I have this code which causes a FAILED PRECONDITION error:

    // invoking code
    Gmail service = buildEmailService();
    Message message = createMessage(fromEmailAddress, toEmailAddress, subject, text);
    _sendMessage(service, message);

    private Gmail buildEmailService() throws MessagingException {
        GoogleCredentials credentials = null;
        try {
            String serviceAccountJson = "{\n" +
                    "  \"type\": \"service_account\",\n" +
                    "  \"project_id\": \"lybro-355514\",\n" +
                    "  \"private_key_id\.........." 

            InputStream targetStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(serviceAccountJson.getBytes());
            credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.fromStream(targetStream)

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new MessagingException(e.getMessage());
        HttpRequestInitializer requestInitializer = new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credentials);

        Gmail service = new Gmail.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(),

        return service;

    private void _sendMessage(Gmail service, Message message) throws MessagingException {
        try {
            // Create send message
            message = service.users().messages().send(EMAIL_ADDRESS_CREATED_WHEN_CREATING_THE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT, message).execute();
            System.out.println("Message id: " + message.getId());
        } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
            // TODO(developer) - handle error appropriately
            GoogleJsonError error = e.getDetails();
            if (error != null && error.getCode() == 403) {
                System.err.println("Unable to send message: " + e.getDetails());
            } else {
                throw new MessagingException(e.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new MessagingException(e.getMessage());

With this code, I get the following error:

javax.mail.MessagingException: 400 Bad Request POST {   "code": 400,   "errors": [
      "domain": "global",
      "message": "Precondition check failed.",
      "reason": "failedPrecondition"
    }   ],   "message": "Precondition check failed.",   "status": "FAILED_PRECONDITION" }



    The email you should be setting this to is the email of the user on your workspace account that you have configured delegation for.


    Send should also be sent from the user on your domain. The way service accounts you preconfigure them to work impersonate a user on your domain. In this way the service account is pretending to be that user.

    If you have not already read this: Perform Google Workspace Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority I can highly recommend doing so.