If we have a UL list with nested UL lists like
and we need to get all the LI elements of the first level only, we can use querySelectorAll()
the way like:
let firstLevelChildren = document.querySelectorAll('ul > li');
But what if I create the UL list via document.createElement('ul')
and need to get the first level children of such specific node via querySelectorAll(selector)
Is there a selector?
I know about node.children
, but I need a way via querySelectorAll()
There may be any unknown number of the first level children. Also there may be different cases like '> li > ul'
and so on.
The way like:
let ul = document.createElement('ul');
ul.innerHTML = '<li>Item<ul><li>Subitem</li></ul></li>';
let items = ul.querySelectorAll('> li');
throws the error
' > li' is not a valid selector.
Use :scope
let ul = document.createElement('ul');
ul.innerHTML = `
let items = ul.querySelectorAll(':scope > li');
console.log(items.length + ' first level item(s)');