I would like to color a word in a sentence that is being rendered in quarto to HTML. In R Markdown I would just add a css tag but I don't see how to do that in quarto. The quarto documentation says that it is possible to write inline css but there is no example. There is a hyperlink that shows a R Markdown example:
```{css, echo=FALSE}
body {
color: red;
When I do that, quarto displays the code as a code block and does not use the CSS.
How do I add a CSS code block to a quarto document?
Just surround the word you want to style by []
and write the styles in {}
, like this
the color is [red]{style="color: red;"}
so the word red
will be in the color red.
To add more details,
title: "inline style"
format: html
## inline style in Quarto
We can apply styles to a sentence or a word
by creating spans using `[]` to surround the
sentence or word that we want to style and
use `{}` to define the style that we want to
apply. For example,
The color of this word is [red]{style="color: red;"}.
And [this line has a yellow background]{style="background-color: yellow"}.
After rendering, we get this,