
Can't Find WeatherKit Historical Data and Trouble with Attribution

I would like to add some historical weather data to an app. I am able to use the new WeatherKit to get current weather but cannot find ANY information to tell me how to access historical data. One of the WWDC videos made reference to adding a start and end date to the WeatherService call but I cannot find any info on this.

Also, I am struggling with the attribution requirements. I can make it work but only in light mode. When the device is in dark mode, the Apple Weather Logo is just a white box in the dark background (I assume the logo is there but in white - but can't prove it).

enter image description here

enter image description here

This is a simplified version - fetching current weather only:

struct ContentView: View {

    @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme

    @State private var weather: Weather?
    @State private var attLogo: URL?
    @State private var attributionURL: URL?
    @State private var logoImage: Image?

    let weatherService = WeatherService.shared

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            if let weather {
                VStack {
                    Text("San Francisco")
                    Text("\(weather.currentWeather.temperature.formatted()) | \(weather.currentWeather.condition.description)")
            }//if let
            //white letters on white box if device in dark mode
            AsyncImage(url: attLogo)
                if let attributionURL {
                    Link("Weather Attribution", destination: attributionURL)
            }//att group
        }//outer v
        .task {
            do {
                let location = CLLocation(latitude: 37.77, longitude: -122.41)
       = try await location)
            } catch {
            }//do catch
        }//task 1
        .task {
            do {
                let attribution = try await weatherService.attribution
                let attributionLink = attribution.legalPageURL
                self.attributionURL = attributionLink
                let attributionLogo = colorScheme == .light ? attribution.combinedMarkDarkURL : attribution.combinedMarkLightURL
                self.attLogo = attributionLogo              
            } catch {
                print("failed to load attribution")
        }//task for logo and link

Any guidance would be appreciated. Xcode 14.0 Beta, iOS 16.0 (20A5283p) in Simulator


  • As of 10 July both logo marks are unavailable at the provided links. I have created a placeholder in the AsyncImage for now, I don't know if it would ever pass Apple's check but it seems viable for a Beta/offline solution.

    if let arributionLogo = arributionLogo{
        AsyncImage(url: arributionLogo) { image in
        } placeholder: {
            Label("Apple Weather", systemImage: "cloud.sun.fill")
    if let arributionLink = arributionLink{
        Link("Other data sources", destination: arributionLink)

    Historical Weather is now available with

    let forecast = try await location, including:.hourly(startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate))


    let forecast = try await location, including: .daily(startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate))