I need a way to send data to and from my pi pico via bluetooth. Here is the program I'm running on my pc.
Note: Everything on the pi is working correctly (tested with a bt serial terminal)
import bluetooth as bt
print("Scanning Bluetooth Devices....")
devices = bt.discover_devices(lookup_names=True)
for addr, name in devices:
print("%s : %s" % (name, addr))
dev_name = input("Enter device name: ")
dev = ""
check = False
for addr, name in devices:
if dev_name == name:
dev = addr
check = True
if not check:
print("Device Name Invalid!")
print("Attempting to connect to %s : %s" % (dev_name, dev))
hostMACAddress = dev
port = 3
backlog = 1
size = 1024
s = bt.BluetoothSocket(bt.RFCOMM)
s.bind((hostMACAddress, port))
client, clientInfo = s.accept()
while 1:
data = client.recv(size)
if data:
client.send(data) # Echo back to client
print("Closing socket")
It doesn't throw any errors but I don't get anything printed to the terminal when the pi should send "R"
Edit: Here is the working code for anyone interested :)
import bluetooth as bt
print("Scanning Bluetooth Devices....")
devices = bt.discover_devices(lookup_names=True)
for addr, name in devices:
print("%s : %s" % (name, addr))
dev_name = input("Enter device name: ")
dev = ""
check = False
for addr, name in devices:
if dev_name == name:
dev = addr
check = True
if not check:
print("Device Name Invalid!")
print("Sending data to %s : %s" % (dev_name, dev))
hostMACAddress = dev
port = 1
backlog = 1
size = 8
s = bt.BluetoothSocket(bt.RFCOMM)
s.connect((hostMACAddress, port))
print("Couldn't Connect!")
The most straight forward (but not the most efficient way) is to convert the array of integer to a delimited C string and send it the way you are sending "Ready". Let assume the array delimiters are "[" and "]" then the following array
int arr[] = {1,2,3};
can be converted to a string like the following
char str[] = "[010203]";
To convert array of integer to the delimited string you can do the following:
int arr[] = {1,2,3};
int str_length = 50; // Change the length of str based on your need.
char str[str_length] = {0};
int char_written = 0;
char_written = sprintf(str,'[');
for (int i = 0; i< sizeof(arr)/sizeof(int) - 1; i++){
char_written = sprintf(&str[char_written], "%02d", arr[i]);
char_written = sprintf(&str[char_written], ']');
Now you can use your existing code to send this string. In the receiving end, you need to process the string based on "[", "]", and the fact that each integer has width of 2 in the string.
Edit: Converting array to string and send the string via bluetooth via python.
To convert an array to string in python the following will do the job
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
a_string = "[" + "".join(f"{i:02d}" for i in a) + "]"
To send this string via python over bluetooth you need to use PyBlues library.
First you need to find the MAC address of the pico bluetooth
import bluetooth
# Make sure the only bluetooth device around is the pico.
devices = bluetooth.discover_devices()
Now that you know the MAC address, you need to connect to it
bt_mac = "x:x:x:x:x:x" # Replace with yours.
port = 1
sock.connect((bd_addr, port))
Know you can send strings like
Finally, in the end of your python program close the socket
PS: I do not have bluetooth available to test it but it should work.