I need to pass a variable value from the parent component to the child component through an input. That is, the screenMode
value received through the above ng-container
needs to be given to the add-user child component.
<ng-container *ngIf="screenMode == screenStateEnum.ADD_USER || screenMode == screenStateEnum.EDIT_USER">
<add-user [screenMode] = "screenMode" [userId]="selectedRow?.userId" (goToUsers)="refresh()"></add-user>
In add-user.component has @Input() screenMode: string;
But this input always returns 0 for EDIT_USER and 1 for ADD_USER.
These values imply that your screenStateEnum
enum is a numeric enum and looks something like this:
enum screenStateEnum {
If you want string values, you'd have to use a string enum. That could look something like:
enum screenStateEnum {
Of course you could also just change the type of your input field from:
@Input() screenMode: string;
@Input() screenMode: screenStateEnum;