I have the following commands in a batch file:
"C:\MI2\Stream\bin\Debug\Stream.exe" 19
"C:\MI2\Stream\bin\Debug\Stream.exe" 20
"C:\MI2\Stream\bin\Debug\Stream.exe" 21
"C:\MI2\Stream\bin\Debug\Stream.exe" 23
"C:\MI2\Stream\bin\Debug\Stream.exe" 25
I'm attempting to execute 5 instances of an application I created, passing in a different param to each. My goal is that when I run this batch file, it launches the 5 instances of this app, loading a UI component for each. Eventually I will make this more elegant, and put a wrapper app around this, but for now i just want these to run simultaneously.
The problem is, when I launch this batch file, it executes the first line, loading the UI. That's it. It doesn't move on to the second line. Thoughts?
Edit to Add - I could certainly do this from separate batch files, but I'd like to have one-click launching. Scott
You can use start
start "" "C:\MI2\Stream\bin\Debug\Stream.exe" 19
start "" "C:\MI2\Stream\bin\Debug\Stream.exe" 20
start "" "C:\MI2\Stream\bin\Debug\Stream.exe" 21
start "" "C:\MI2\Stream\bin\Debug\Stream.exe" 23
start "" "C:\MI2\Stream\bin\Debug\Stream.exe" 25
The first argument is the title of the created command line window, which we don't care about, so it can be left empty.
Even better would be to use for
forr %i in (19, 20, 21, 23, 25) do start "" "C:\MI2\Stream\bin\Debug\Stream.exe" %i