I am having this prop
date = '2021-11-16T23:00Z';
when i apply pipes on string date
{{dat | amUtc | amLocal | amDateFormat:'L' }}
i get in my HTML
But i can't find a way where i will include the hours
So at the end i will have 11/16/2021 23:00
If it is AM for example '2021-11-16T08:00Z'
then i need to get 1/16/2021 08:00
Angular have pipe for dates, and i think will solve your problem.
Take a look on angular doc DatePipe: https://angular.io/api/common/DatePipe
If i undestood well, you will do like this:
date = '2021-11-16T23:00Z';
{{date | date:'m/DD/yyyy hh:mm'}}
The result will be:
1/16/2021 08:00