TinyMCE 5 just won't clean all the attributes from tags. It leaves stuff like "data-gps-track, data-controller, aria-label:"" ". It cleans stuff like "href, style, class". Any idea what's the problem here?
selector: "#mytextarea",
plugins: "paste, code",
toolbar: "edit, code",
paste_block_drop: false,
paste_tab_spaces: 2,
paste_as_text: cleantext,
valid_elements: "a,code,p",
You can try pasting stuff off StackOverflow, where these attributes are present.
I have ended up using an answer from this StackOverflow answer. I have also added a filter for clearing aria attributes to the regex.
var stripDataAttributes = function (html) {
var tags = html.match(/(<\/?[\S][^>]*>)/gi);
tags.forEach(function (tag) {
html = html.replace(
return html;
selector: "#mytextarea",
plugins: "paste, code",
toolbar: "edit, code",
paste_block_drop: false,
paste_tab_spaces: 2,
paste_as_text: cleantext,
valid_styles: {
"*": "",
p: "color",
// https://www.tiny.cloud/docs-4x/configure/content-filtering/
// valid_elements: "*[*|-href]",
// https://www.tiny.cloud/docs-3x/reference/Configuration3x/Configuration3x@valid_elements/
// jen pozor na mezery (když jsem měl valid_elements: "a, code, p" , tak mi to nešlo!)
paste_preprocess: function (plugin, args) {
args.content = stripDataAttributes(args.content);
// args.content = args.content.replace(cleanElements, "$1>");