
SonarLint.xml is added to every VS project? Where can I read about it?

When I integrated SonarLint into my VS solution, I got a SonarLint.xml file ref. for every project. I wonder, how it is used? Can I remove this reference? Couldn't find any documentation about it.


  • When I integrated SonarLint into my VS solution, I got a SonarLint.xml file ref. for every project.

    This is needed and by-design. The file contains code quality rule parameters used by SonarLint. Example parameter:


    When you bind or update your solution from SonarQube, a master SonarLint.xml file gets downloaded into your solution's .sonarlint folder; and a soft-link file to this master file is added to every project being analyzed.

    (The SonarLint NuGet apparently does not or cannot access the master SonarLint.xml file, so it needs a project-level SonarLint.xml soft-link file.)