Is there a way to catch scrolling event on v-data-table component of Vuetify frmework?
I mean the case when table has a fixed height so the table body will scroll.
All you have to do is target the table DOM element after the Vue mounts. Just use "this" and go from there...check out the mounted hook below.
<template lang="html">
<div class="graph-content">
<v-data-table v-show="topArtistUplifts.length" id="topUpliftTable" class="data-table-custom"
:headers="tableHeaders" :items="topArtistUplifts" fixed-header :height="tableHeight"
:items-per-page="-1" hide-default-footer :mobile-breakpoint="0">
<template v-slot:item.artist_name="{ item }">
<router-link :to="{ name: 'Artist', query: { artistId: item.artist_id, ...linkQuery }}"
class="artist-link inline">
{{ item.artist_name }}
<template v-slot:item.absolute_number="{ item }">
<span>+{{ getAbbreviatedNum(item.absolute_number) }}</span>
<template v-slot:item.relative_number="{ item }">
<span :class="percentChangeStyle(item.relative_number * 100)">{{ percentChangeFormat((item.relative_number * 100).toFixed(2)) }}</span>
<div class="no-notifs full-height" v-show="!topArtistUplifts.length">
No uplift to report yet – please check back soon.
<Loader v-if="updating.topArtistUplifts" :height="50"/>
methods: {
handleUpliftScroll(e) {
console.log('yoooo i'm a table scroll event: ', e)
mounted() {
const tableWrapper = this.$el.children[0].children[0]
tableWrapper.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleUpliftScroll)