
Powershell: Change properties of a Microsoft failover cluster group aka role

I created a generic service group (or role as it is displayed in the GUI) via powershell Add-ClusterGenericServiceRole Basically it is the AppReadiness service. Everything went fine so far. I would like to change some properties of this group, NOT of the underlying service. I can get all the properties of the group via Get-Clustergroup -Name .... | select-object * I see the properties which I would like to change,

FailoverPeriod         : 1
FailoverThreshold      : 99

These properties are also visible in the GUI on the failover tab When I try

$cluGroup = Get-ClusterGroup -Name ......

and create

$param1 = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.FailoverClusters.PowerShell.ClusterParameter -Property $cluGroup,FailoverThreshold,55

it gives me the error:

New-Object : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'System.Collections.IDictionary' required by parameter 'Property'. Specified method is not supported.

The error is the same if I change it to Microsoft.FailoverClusters.PowerShell.ClusterResource In the MS docu they have an example like that also they modify a cluster resource but according to the docu the scriplet takes also Microsoft.FailoverClusters.PowerShell.ClusterGroup as an input. The error is still the same if Get-ClusterResource .... and change it to

$param1 = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.FailoverClusters.PowerShell.ClusterResource -Property $cluResource,Description,"Some text"

Any help is appreciated


  • I opened a ticket at Microsoft and they came back with the following working answer:

    (Get-ClusterGroup -Name "Testgroup").FailoverPeriod=12

    Basically, these "things" which are part of the cluster group are considered "properties" and not parameters and can therefore not be modified with the Set-ClusterParameter scriptlet.

    All credits to Microsoft