
How to make Charles Proxy listen on specific ip on a windows 10 laptop with multiple ipaddresses

I am on windows 10 laptop which has two network interfaces (10.* and 192.)( one assigned by the router and another by a VPN virtual adapter). When I start Charles Proxy, it by default starts listening on the 10.* interface. Is there a way I can make it listen on the 192. interface`?

Following is the screenshot of the issue I am facing. Without Charles Proxy listening on the 192.* ip, I cannot get my Android devices to proxy via the Charles despite adding the required Proxy settings on the Android device.

enter image description here


  • I figured that changing the metric order of the nw interface allows charles to pick up the desired interface. Also, the corporate firewalls were blocking the inbound proxy connection requests on port 8888.

    The following command on windows showed me the open ports and I used one of the open ports to configure Charles and now its working as expected and allowing Android\iOS devices to connect.

    c:> netsh firewall show state