
brew start and brew restart wont start service

I installed mysql@5.7 using brew. After installing, I started the service using brew services start mysql@5.7. Checking using brew services shows its working fine.

In any attempt after the first though, the behavior is different. I run brew services start mysql@5.7 and I get:

Bootstrap failed: 5: Input/output error
Try re-running the command as root for richer errors.
Error: Failure while executing; `/bin/launchctl bootstrap gui/505 /Users/Mahmoud/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql@5.7.plist` exited with 5.

If I then try to restart the service, using brew services restart mysql@5.7 I get

Stopping `mysql@5.7`... (might take a while)
==> Successfully stopped `mysql@5.7` (label: homebrew.mxcl.mysql@5.7)
==> Successfully started `mysql@5.7` (label: homebrew.mxcl.mysql@5.7)

but an inspection using brew services would show that the service has been stopped:

Name      Status  User File
mysql@5.7 stopped root ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql@5.7.plist

Stopping the service manually using brew services stop mysql@5.7 and starting again hasn't worked as well.

Tried as well to uninstall using brew uninstall mysql@5.7 and re-installing using brew install mysql@5.7 but the problem persists. I tried looking all around but I don't see anyone having this same problem. Any ideas on how to fix this?


  • Environment: M1 MPB, OSX 12.4

    Spent a full day on this and finally came to a solution that worked.

    Stop the service with brew services stop mysql@5.7

    Remove the launch agent file rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql@5.7.plist

    Unlink the service if it was linked brew unlink mysql@5.7

    Uninstall the service brew uninstall mysql@5.7

    Then I removed the mysql data directory, suggested above. This wasn't in the /usr/local/var/mysql on my machine, but rather /opt/homebrew/var/mysql

    So rm -rf /opt/homebrew/var/mysql

    This wasn't the last step for me. Reinstalling at this point gave me a bunch of errors and the brew post install steps failed. Most of the errors pointed to my my.cnf file. I found that removing this file before attempting to reinstall prevented those errors.

    I made a backup of this file just in case this caused more issues.

    cp /opt/homebrew/etc/my.cnf /opt/homebrew/etc/my.cnf.backup

    Then, rm /opt/homebrew/etc/my.cnf

    Note: this file may be in a different location on your machine.

    Ok, now do a fresh install.

    brew install mysql@5.7

    brew link mysql@5.7 --force

    If you link the package, you can add it to your path following the brew log suggestion. So add, export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/mysql@5.7/bin:$PATH" to your ~/.zshrc.

    Verify the service is available with brew services list or brew services.

    If you see mysql@5.7 there, go ahead and start it with brew services start mysql@5.7