
Terraform Update an existing Lambda function was created on AWS console

I want to update a my code on Lambda function.

I previous creating lambda function on aws console.

I do a creating terraform code for update my function existing but I received an error

I try using this block code

data "archive_file" "stop_ec2" {
  type        = "zip"
  source_file = "src_dir/"
  output_path = "dest_dir/"

data "aws_lambda_function" "existing" {
  function_name = MyPocLambda
  role          = aws_iam_role.iam_for_lambda.arn
  filename      = "dest_dir/"
  source_code_hash ="${data.archive_file.stop_ec2.output_base64sha256}"


My error says filename unsupported argument, filename is not expected here

it possible update lambda function using terafform data ?


  • You have to import your lambda function to TF first. Then you will be able to modify it using TF code using aws_lambda_function resource, not data source.