
Is there any way in flutter to set a global textscalefactor along with the home property in Material App?

I've tried to set a global textScaleFactor along with the home property in MaterialApp but it is not possible, because it is asking for HomePageWidget() separately. I am using GetMaterialApp() in another project and I want this global textScaleFactor there too, but there also I am using initialRoute too. Is there any way to counter this situation other than specifying this property for every single Text() widget?


  • Yes you can do this. In your GetMaterialApp you can use it inside "builder" attribute of GetMaterialApp.

    And still you can use title,initialRoute,initialBinding and getPages, as I have mentioned in example below.


          Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return GetMaterialApp(
          builder: (BuildContext context, Widget? child) {
            final MediaQueryData data = MediaQuery.of(context);
            return MediaQuery(
              data: data.copyWith(
                data.textScaleFactor > 1.2 ? 1.2 : data.textScaleFactor*1.05,
              child: child!,
          title: kAppName,
          initialRoute: kSplashScreen,
          initialBinding: ScreensBindings(),
          getPages: RouteGenerator.getPages(),
          debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,