I have a multisite setup of wordpress. I am using Learndash in subsite(xyz.com) and need to get the course points on my main site(abc.com).
I have a reward system in abc.com. When an end user buy some product, he will get 100 points.
On xyz.com I have Installed Learndash, if that user completes a course he will get 100 points and I need to add those course points in main site points. So it will display 200 points in his account.
How can I get the course points from xyz.com to abc.com?
I am using the multisite so the database is same.
$userID = get_current_user_id();
$blog_id = 0;
if (is_subdomain_install()) {
// For subdomain installs
$blog_id = get_blog_id_from_url($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
} else{
// For subdirectory installs
$blog_id = get_blog_id_from_url($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] , "/risconew/university/" );
if (empty($blog_id)) {
$blog_id = get_blog_id_from_url($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] , "/risco-university/" );
global $wpdb;
$tablePrifix = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix($blog_id);
$totalPoints = array();
$activitytable = $tablePrifix . "learndash_user_activity";
$postmetatable = $tablePrifix . "postmeta";
$PostMetaArray = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT act.*,postmeta.* FROM $activitytable AS act JOIN $postmetatable AS postmeta ON act.post_id = postmeta.post_id WHERE act.activity_type = 'course' AND act.activity_status = 1 AND act.user_id = " . $userID);
foreach ($PostMetaArray as $PostMeta) {
$postMetaValue = $PostMeta->meta_value;
$postMetaValueUnserialize = unserialize($postMetaValue);
$points = $postMetaValueUnserialize['sfwd-courses_course_points'];
if (!empty($points)) {
$totalPoints[] = (int) $points;
$totalCoursePoints = array_sum($totalPoints);
echo 'Total Course Points: ' . $totalCoursePoints;