I am using folium package in Python to construct the map in this link: GeoAdmin Map Link
For basic map creation I am using:
map_geo = folium.Map(location=[47.46901, 9.36688], zoom_start=13)
And then try to add the layer as wms layer:
folium.raster_layers.WmsTileLayer(url = 'https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?',
layers = 'ch.bfe.fernwaerme-nachfrage_wohn_dienstleistungsgebaeude',
transparent = False,
control = True,
name = 'energy',
show = True,
In the end the final map looks like:
If I choose the base layer alone from the layer control then I can see it. But if I activate the energy usage layer, background layer is going all white. What am I doing wrong?
I did not know that such layers could be laid on top of each other. I went through trial and error with your code, looking at the examples in the reference. To solve the problem, I formatted the image of the layer and it improved.
import folium
map_geo = folium.Map(location=[47.46901, 9.36688], zoom_start=13)
folium.raster_layers.WmsTileLayer(url = 'https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?',
layers = 'ch.bfe.fernwaerme-nachfrage_wohn_dienstleistungsgebaeude',
transparent = True,
control = True,
name = 'energy',
overlay = True,
show = True,