
When I Export my love2d game and I run it, its says that they are viruses and when I check it does "Trojan:script/Wacatac.B!ml"

I was exporting my fourth version of one of my game using the LÖVE Framework and like always I did the same thing: All of the source to a .zip file, then renaming to a .love file, then check if the game works in the .love file, Then doing this command copy /b C:\Users\sukyl\Documents\LOVE\love.exe + C:\Users\sukyl\Documents\LOVE\ IslandExploiter.exe (IslandExploiter is the name of my game) and when I run it, its says that its have a virus, after checking what it was "Trojan:script/Wacatac.B!ml"

Habitually, its doesn't do that


  • I just needed to rebuild it. It was probably the zip was wrongly built so when I build it with the copy command, it think that it was a virus.