
How to install h3-py (from uber) with mamba?

I have recently switched to mamba as a package installer and am now trying to install h3-py into an environment. I have tried several ways, first using:

mamba install h3-py

but then it says

encountered problems while solving:
- nothing provides requested h3-py

If I try to install it with conda (conda install h3-py) i get a similar problem, and it returns:

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  - h3-py

Current channels:


I also tried both versions with -c conda-forge at the end, but get the same result (anyway conda-forge is already my main channel so I think that didn't change anything). Finally, I also tried installing it using pip, and again I get a similar response:

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement h3-py (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for h3-py

The weird thing is that I've already installed h3 and h3pandas in a different environment (where I don't use mamba), so I don't understand why suddenly it can't find it... does anyone know how to fix this? I am using a MacBook Pro M1 Max and Miniforge3.


In the end, I could install it using 'pip install h3' (instead of h3-py), but I was still wondering why I can't install it through mamba / conda-forge, since it says in the documenttion that it can be installed through forge: However, merv clarified that in his answer below.


  • The Conda Forge h3-py feedstock is not yet building a version for the osx-arm64 platform. Auto-migration failed, and a manual workaround attempt seems to have stalled out. Anyone is welcome to contribute a PR to get it going.

    To clarify, this has nothing to do with Mamba vs Conda - it's all about the platform. Perhaps by "installing mamba", OP means they installed a native (osx-arm64) Mambaforge distribution, versus a previous non-native osx-64 installation.

    Note that even with a osx-arm64 base, one can still create osx-64 environments, for example in this answer.