
Shut down Windows programmatically and wait for termination of resident processes



When I shut down Windows with shutdown.exe, it doesn't refer to HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\HungAppTimeout and kills the resident process forcibly before it finishes sending the record.


Is there any way (like a PowerShell cmdlet or a command included in Windows) to shut down Windows programmatically and wait for the termination of the resident processes gracefully before the shutdown?


  • Based on @An-dir's advice, I have tested some ways to shutdown Windows:

    # How to shutdown What is executed Wait for HungAppTimeout
    1 shutdown from Start Menu RuntimeBroker.exe Yes
    2 run shutdown.exe shutdown.exe No
    3 run SlideToShutDown.exe SlideToShutDown.exe Yes
    4 run Stop-Computer cmdlet WmiPrvSE.exe Yes
    5 shut down from the lock screen winlogon.exe No
    6 Alt+F4 on Desktop Explorer.exe Yes

    For my purpose, Stop-Computer and SlideToShutDown.exe look suitable.