e_id NUMBER(10),
f_name VARCHAR2(50),
created_on TIMESTAMP,
created_by VARCHAR2(50)
INSERT INTO test VALUES(11,'a','18-07-22 12:06:19.566000000 PM','aa');
INSERT INTO test VALUES(11,'b','18-07-22 11:06:19.566000000 PM','bb');
INSERT INTO test VALUES(11,'c','16-07-22 12:06:19.566000000 PM','cc');
INSERT INTO test VALUES(11,'a','15-07-22 12:06:19.566000000 PM','dd');
INSERT INTO test VALUES(11,'a','12-07-22 12:06:19.566000000 PM','ee');
INSERT INTO test VALUES(11,'a','11-07-22 12:06:19.566000000 PM','ff');
DB version: Oracle 18c
I need to populate maximum created_on
, created_by````, and
f_name``` from the following logic:
First need to find out the maximum created_on
in our dataset it would be '18-07-22 12:06:19.566000000 PM'
and '18-07-22 11:06:19.566000000 PM'
and need to populate f_name
column value in delimiter separated i.e a;b
for which I will use LISTAGG.
My Attempt:
WITH a AS(SELECT e_id, MAX(created_on)created_on,MAX(created_by)created_by
FROM test),
b AS(
FROM test WHERE created_on = --need to select MAX created_on for particular date
Need to use DISTINCT in LISTAGG because there may be same records present for an e_id
Expected output:
| e_id | created_on | created_by | f_name |
| 11 | 18-07-22 12:06:19.566000000 PM | aa | a;b |
I have added one more row to the demo table to demonstrate situation you mentioned: "Need to use DISTINCT in LISTAGG because there may be same records present for an e_id".
I do not see why you need something like this but here is my try to do it:
with cte as (select distinct e_id, f_name, trunc(created_on) created_on, created_by
from test)
, cte2 as (select e_id, created_on, created_by
from test
where created_on in (select max(created_on) from test))
select cte.e_id
, cte2.created_on
, cte2.created_by
, listagg(cte.f_name, ';') within group (order by cte.f_name)
from cte
join cte2 on cte.e_id = cte2.e_id and cte.created_on = trunc(cte2.created_on)
group by cte.e_id
, cte2.created_by
, cte2.created_on