Parameters in Stored Procedure are @classid INT = NULL, @streamid INT = NULL
. Now in VB.NET I have declared two variable Dim classid As Int32?, streamid As Int32?
. If no value is passed to these parameters then it pass NOTHING
is considered as NULL
in SQL Server or I have to pass DBNULL.Value
explicity from code while passing parameters to SP?
Because when I am executing my SP directly from SQL Server then it showing me results but if I am calling my SP from application then it showing me no records.
Passing the parameters from Code:
cmd.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@class", classid.GetValueOrDefault())
cmd.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@stream", streamid.GetValueOrDefault())
I am passing both the parameters as above.
1: parameters you declared in stored procedure are
@classid INT = NULL,
@streamid INT = NULL
but passing parameters from VB.Net are
you must have the same parameters in boths sides to keep it working.
2: parameters should be declared as
@classid INT NULL,
@streamid INT NULL