Being new to Angular\TS, I want to use Async Pipe to display JSON data . Following is the code with Model Interface.It compiles but gives the error in console and doesn't display anything. I want to use the particular URL given. The error is
Cannot find a differ supporting object '[object Object]' of type 'object'. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables, such as Arrays
customerObs = this.http.get<Customer[]>('');
constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
<li *ngFor="let customer of customerObs | async">
export interface Customer {gender: string;email: string;}
Looking at the response from the server you will see that it is returning an object and not an array:
{"results":[{ ... }]}
Option 1 would be to map
the response by getting the results
property of the object through a pipe()
like this:
import { map } from 'rxjs';
interface Customer { }
interface Response { results: Customer[] }
customerObs = this.http.get<Response>('')
.pipe(map(i => i.results))
Option 2 would be to use get the results property directly in the html (along with the generics in the typescript):
interface Customer { }
interface Response { results: Customer[] }
customerObs = this.http.get<Response>('');
<ul *ngIf="customerObs | async as response">
<li *ngFor="let customer of response.results">