So I was trying to replace the picture used in a TImage component, but I was not able to compile the program. Here is the code:
void __fastcall TFrame2::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
if (userPictureDialog->Execute()) {
Form1->userPicture->Picture = userPictureDialog->FileName;
catch (...)
ShowMessage("There was an error while opening the file.");
What should I do to fix this?
A TPicture
is a wrapper for binary graphic data, not a string. Even if it were, you are trying to assign an AnsiString
to a TPicture*
pointer, not to a TPicture
object. There are no operator=
defined for those kinds of conversions, hence the compiler error.
Since your string is a path to a graphic file on disk, you need to call the TPicture::LoadFromFile()
method instead, eg:
void __fastcall TFrame2::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
if (userPictureDialog->Execute()) {
catch (...)
ShowMessage("There was an error while opening the file.");