
AWS Loadbalancer stuck on External-IP Pending State

After creating EKS cluster loadbalancer is stuck in pending state. All of my subnet is public and I add shared and eld(elb?) tag also. This issue comes when I create nodegroup using launch template using Terraform CDK.

NAME                                 TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
ingress-nginx-controller             LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:31789/TCP,443:32706/TCP   60m
ingress-nginx-controller-admission   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP


  • Please, check logs of the serivce kubectl describe svc ingress-nginx-controller -n your_namespace and share a deployment. I assume, that you reached the quota of Load Balancers, and Elastic IPs in your region

    Network Load Balancers per Region 50, Classic Load Balancers per Region 20, Application Load Balancers per Region 50

    By default, all AWS accounts are limited to five (5) Elastic IP addresses per Region