In my play! app,I have coded the controllers.Security as
class Security extends controllers.Secure.Security {
static void onDisconnected() {
static void onAuthenticated() {
User user = User.find("byEmail",Security.connected()).first();
if(user.isAdmin()) {
}else {
System.out.println("onAuthenticated()::user not admin");
I have set the routes as
GET /admin/? Admin.index
* /admin module:crud
GET / Application.index
When I am on a page say pageX and click on the login link,the login form appears and I am able to login.If I login as admin ,it takes me to the Admin.index() and thereby to Admin/index.html view.So far so good
But,when I am on pageX,and click on login link,I expect to come back to pageX.Instead ,the Application.index() method is called and I am taken to the Application.index.html.. Is this the expected behaviour? What do I have to do to get to pageX after login?
I tried storing the url in flash using the @Before in Security controller
class Security extends controllers.Secure.Security {
static void storeCurrentUrl() {
flash.put("url", "GET".equals(request.method) ? request.url : "/");
static boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
static void onAuthenticated() {
String url = flash.get("url");
if(!user.isAdmin()) {
if(url!=null) {
System.out.println("url not null");
}else {
System.out.println("url null ..go to /");
When I login,I get these terminal output
url null ..go to /
I have put the login/logout links in main.html template which is inherited by all other pages
<div id="main">
<div class="auth">
<a href="@{Admin.index()}">Go to Admin Area</a><br/><br/>
<a href="@{Secure.login()}">Login</a><br/><br/>
<a href="@{Secure.logout()}">Log out</a>
In you controller, before calling 'login()' put the 'url' into flash something like:
flash.put("url", "GET".equals(request.method) ? request.url : "/");
Once successfully logged in, get the 'url' and redirect.
String url = flash.get("url");
redirect(url); //you may redirect to "/" if url is null