I have some java utilities written to be used with the shebang line supported by Java 11. They work fine on my Mac, but I now need to use them on Windows, and Windows doesn't support the shebang line, Is there a way to do this?
While Windows doesn't support the shebang line, the Java runtime will still run a java source file that conforms to the limitations for shebang-line java classes. (This basically means it must be contained in a single source file and not call any outside libraries. Standard Java libraries still work.)
Here's how I did it for a class I wrote called UuidGen.java
First, I commented out the Shebang line, since it doesn't get used.
Second, I created a batch file called uuid.bat:
@echo off
java %~db0\UuidGen.java %*
Third, I put this file in the same directory as the UuidGen.java file.
Fourth, I put this directory on the system path.
Now, to run it, all I need to do is type uuid.
The %~db0
in the path gets replaced by the path to the .bat file being executed. The %*
at the end passes all the parameters of the .bat command to the java command.
(If anyone can come up with a cleaner way to do this, I'd love to see it.)