
kendo File Upload change button using Bootstrap4

In this sample can I change the button select Files to this add files with the plus sign? Can I just used this k-button class and using Bootstrap4 class?




  • Set the localization.select (documentation) value to specify the text. Then use jQuery to add the custom classes and icon.

      localization: {
          select: "Add Files..."
    $("#files").closest('.k-upload-button').addClass('btn btn-success'); // add the bootstrap classes
    $("#files").closest('.k-upload-button').removeClass('k-button k-button-md k-rounded-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base'); // remove the kendo classes
    $("#files").closest('.k-upload-button').prepend('<span class="k-icon k-i-plus"></span>'); // add the icon

    Example: https://dojo.telerik.com/aJaHeMOq