
Specifying package data in pyproject.toml

I use setuptools. In setup.cfg, I can define

myModule =

to make sure that data will be installed for my users.

Can I achive the same with pyproject.toml instead?


  • Starting in setuptools version 61.0.0 there is beta support for this feature. See the documentation

    The syntax is

    myModule = ["*.csv"]

    Update 2024-01-12: This is no longer in beta. A handful of different mechanisms can enable for data inclusion. One mechanism is to ask for automatic discovery based on git. It should suffice to set the setuptools version and enable the -scm plugin. Now all files tracked by git will be considered data files. The relevant section is...

    requires = [

    I produced a complete example and posted on github.

    Read the full documentation for more options.