
Rows aggregation by string concatenation?

I am working on a SAP Webi 4 report where I have a table that looks like

student discipline exam session
josé geo june session
josé geo september session
josé math june session

from which I would like to obtain another table that looks like:

student discipline CONCAT_exam session NBR_exam session
josé geo june session; september session 2
josé math june session 1

however I am stuck with the column CONCAT_exam session: I have read dozen of posts like this one; and tried the creation of tens of variables, but nothing works and I am not able to obtain the desired output !

Could anyone help ?? after tons of trials, I am really running out of ideas....

Side question: if anyone has a clear explanation/guidance whether I should create new "measure(s)" or "dimension(s)" for this purpose, I would be very grateful !


  • it's my first reply so I have no idea how to format the answer correctly. I think I have done similar exerice some time ago. Let's try my idea:

    1. create such 5 variables:

    [v_full_name] -> =[student]+" "+[discipline]

    [Object 1] -> =Previous(Self;([v_full_name])) +","+ [exam session]

    [maximum] -> =Max([exam session]) In ([v_full name])

    [Object 2] -> =[Object 1] Where ([exam session]=[maximum])

    [CONCAT_exam session] -> =Substr([Object 2];2;(Length([Object 2])))

    please let me know if it helps