I need to find a way to use the $t
of i18n
within the setup script for my vue
my i18n file looks like this:
import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import en from './en';
import es from './es';
const messages = { en, es };
const locales = [
{ code: 'en', name: 'English' },
{ code: 'es', name: 'Español' }
const i18n = createI18n({
locales: locales,
defaultLocale: 'en',
fallbackLocale: 'en',
silentTranslationWarn: true,
silentFallbackWarn: true,
export default i18n
my main js look like this:
import i18n from './lang/settings'
const application = createApp({
render: () => h(app, props)
I can perfectly use $t()
in the template to translate but I have no clue how to access the same method within <script setup></script>
The i18n resource and the related files need to be placed in the way you have mentioned in your question.
You can use it in this way I have Added everything in main.ts for better understanding. you can use it in this way
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import router from './router';
import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
const i18n = createI18n({
locale: 'en', // set locale
legacy: false, // for latest vuei18n with compo API
messages: {
en: {
item1: 'hello world'
}} // set locale messages
In your component
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n";
const { t } = useI18n({ useScope: "global" });
let name = t('sample.item1');