I'm in a need of consuming an eventsource API, but it's a private one, where I need to pass some auth headers, specifically the Authorization
one, and some more.
I had a look into these two crates (eventsource and reqwest_eventsource), but neither of them explains how to pass some headers. Has someone passed by something related or knows how to set it up in these crates?
This can be done in eventsource with Client::new_with_client():
use eventsource::reqwest::Client as EventSourceClient;
use reqwest::{blocking::Client as ReqwestClient, header::HeaderMap};
let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
headers.insert("Authorization", "Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==".parse()?);
headers.insert("X-Foo", "bar".parse()?);
let client = ReqwestClient::builder().default_headers(headers).build()?;
let client = EventSourceClient::new_with_client("https://example.com/".parse()?, client);