
R package DiagrammeR output graph options

A quick question regarding using DiagrammeR package. I'm trying to create a diagram and output it as an image in png format or use it to generate diagram directly in Rmarkdown. However, the output always has original DiagrammeR codes. I tried set echo=F in Rmarkdown, but still have no luck. Are there other more straightforward methods to get the diagram out?

My r markdown codes:

covid <- "graph LR;A(GPS data)-->C{Analytic data};
B[Weather data]-->C{Analytic data};
D[Masking mandatory/compliance]-->C{Analytic data};
E[Demographics]-->C{Analytic data};
F[Covid-testing result]-->C{Analytic data};
G[Covid confirmed cases]-->C{Analytic data};
C{Analytic data}-->M[Modeling];
M[Modeling]-->V[Data visualization]

style A fill:#E5E25F;  style B fill:#87AB51; style C fill:#3C8937;
style D fill:#23772C;  style E fill:#B6E6E6;
style F fill:#E5E25F;  style G fill:#87AB51; style M fill:#3C8937;
style V fill:#23772C;  "


Any suggest on how to achieve this goal? Thanks!


  • The format is important for DiagrammeR, you should not use the ";" signs in your code. You can use the following code:

    title: "Untitled"
    author: "Author"
    date: "2022-07-22"
    output: html_document
    ```{r, echo=FALSE}
    covid <- "graph LR;
    A(GPS data)-->C{Analytic data}
    B[Weather data]-->C{Analytic data}
    D[Masking mandatory/compliance]-->C{Analytic data}
    E[Demographics]-->C{Analytic data}
    F[Covid-testing result]-->C{Analytic data}
    G[Covid confirmed cases]-->C{Analytic data}
    C{Analytic data}-->M[Modeling]
    M[Modeling]-->V[Data visualization]
    style A fill:#E5E25F  style B fill:#87AB51 style C fill:#3C8937;
    style D fill:#23772C  style E fill:#B6E6E6
    style F fill:#E5E25F  style G fill:#87AB51 style M fill:#3C8937;
    style V fill:#23772C  "


    enter image description here