I'm trying to read my config file into my case class whose one of attribute is a Map of Enumeratum key and Case Class value by using pureconfig and pureconfig-enumeratum libraries version 0.14.0 with scala 2.11. When I change the Map key from Enumeratum key to String, it works, but it does not work with Enum key.
import enumeratum.EnumEntry.{Hyphencase}
import enumeratum._
import pureconfig.{ConfigSource}
import pureconfig.generic.auto._
import pureconfig.module.enumeratum._
object CheckPureConfig extends App {
private val myConf = ConfigSource.default.loadOrThrow[SsystemConf]
case class SsystemConf(target: Map[Ssystem, MyConfig])
case class MyConfig(path: Ssystem, link: String)
sealed abstract class Ssystem(myField: String) extends EnumEntry with Hyphencase{
def printit() = myField
object Ssystem extends Enum[Ssystem] {
val values = findValues
case object MyEnumA extends Ssystem("testFieldEnum1")
case object MyEnumB extends Ssystem("testFieldEnum2")
And this is my application.conf
target {
my-enum-a= {
path : "samplepath1"
link : "samplehttp1"
my-enum-b = {
path : "samplepath2"
link : "samplehttp2"
You have to use configurable converter to tell pureconfig how to transform your enum to Map keys. You have genericMapReader
for that:
implicit def enumMapReader[V: ConfigReader]: ConfigReader[Map[Ssystem, V]] =
genericMapReader { name =>
.fold[Either[String, Ssystem]](Left(s"$name is not enum"))(Right(_))