
eDisMax parser issue running over multiple fields

Enviornment ==> solr - solr-8.9.0, java version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20 LTS

Following .csv file is indexed in solr

0553573403,book,Game Thrones Clash,7.99,true,George R.R. Martin,"A Song of Ice and Fire",1,fantasy
0553573404,book,Game Thrones,7.99,true,George Martin,"A Song of Ice and Fire",1,fantasy
0553573405,book,Game Thrones,7.99,true,George,"A Song of Ice and Fire",1,fantasy

I want to search for a book with having a name saying 'Game Thrones Clash'(with mm=75%) and author George R.R. Martin(with mm=70%.)

Now I want to search book-name in only the 'name' field having its minimum match value as well. Also, the author needs to be searched in author, with different mm values.

field-type : text_general is configured for fields :'name','author' with multivalued as false.

Query shall run over input field 'name'(mm=75%) having the value 'Game Thrones Clash' and author(mm=70%) having the value 'George R.R. Martin'.

There are 3 criteria over which results will be displayed, Only those results shall be displayed which satisfy all the following three criteria:

  1. if there is a minimum of 75% of tokens are fuzzy matches in the 'name' field, then it should result in output.
  2. if there is a minimum of 70% of tokens are fuzzy matches in the 'author' field, then it should result in output.
  3. if field 'inStock' has value 'true'.

Output shall contain the following result.

0553573403 (name - 75% matched as well author 70% matched)
0553573404 (name - 75% matched as well author 70% matched)

Following books_id will not contain in output.

0553573405 (name - 75% matched but author not 70% matched)

I understand that Extended DisMax includes query parameters 'mm'(Minimum should match) with fuzzy search functionality, but the following query is giving all 3 results.

curl -G http://$solrIp:8983/solr/testCore2/select --data-urlencode "q=(name:'Game~' OR name:'Thrones~' OR name:'Clash~')" --data-urlencode "defType=edismax" --data-urlencode "mm=75%" --data-urlencode "q=(author:'George~' OR author:'R.R.~' OR author:'Martin~')" --data-urlencode "defType=edismax" --data-urlencode "mm=70%" --data-urlencode "sort=books_id asc"
      "q":["(name:'Game~' OR name:'Thrones~' OR name:'Clash~')",
        "(author:'George~' AND author:'R.R.~' AND author:'Martin~')"],
      "sort":"books_id asc"}},
        "name":"Game Thrones Clash",
        "author":"George R.R. Martin",
        "series_t":"A Song of Ice and Fire",
        "name":"Game Thrones",
        "author":"George Martin",
        "series_t":"A Song of Ice and Fire",
        "name":"Game Thrones",
        "series_t":"A Song of Ice and Fire",

Can someone help me in writing edismax query or any other way around?


  • Nested Queries can specify different query parameters for different parts of the query.

    +_query_:"{!edismax mm=75% df=name} Game~ Thrones~ Clash~"
    +_query_:"{!edismax mm=70% df=author} George~ R.R.~ Martin~"


    Steps to reproduce test with a local Solr 9, in Cloud Mode for the Schema Designer page:

    Request: one query string

    bash: (\ before newline continues line, omit inside '...')

    curl --silent --get localhost:8983/api/schema-designer/query \
      --data-urlencode "_=1658489222229" \
      --data-urlencode "configSet=eDisMaxTest1" \
      --data-urlencode 'q= +_query_:"{!edismax mm=75% df=name} Game~ Thrones~ Clash~" 
                           +_query_:"{!edismax mm=70% df=author} George~ R.R.~ Martin~"
                           +inStock:true' \
      --data-urlencode "sort=books_id asc"

    cmd: (^ before newline continues line, even inside '...')

    curl --silent --get localhost:8983/api/schema-designer/query ^
      --data-urlencode "_=1658489222229" ^
      --data-urlencode "configSet=eDisMaxTest1" ^
      --data-urlencode 'q= +_query_:"{!edismax mm=75% df=name} Game~ Thrones~ Clash~" ^
                           +_query_:"{!edismax mm=70% df=author} George~ R.R.~ Martin~" ^
                           +inStock:true' ^
      --data-urlencode "sort=books_id asc"

    Alternative request: use nested query parameter v=$param refer to other request parameters containing subquery terms.

    bash: (\ before newline continues line, omit inside '...')

    curl --silent --get localhost:8983/api/schema-designer/query \
      --data-urlencode "_=1658489222229" \
      --data-urlencode "configSet=eDisMaxTest1" \
      --data-urlencode 'q= +_query_:"{!edismax mm=75% df=name v=$qname}"
                           +_query_:"{!edismax mm=70% df=author v=$qauthor}"
                           +inStock:true' \
      --data-urlencode "qname= Game~ Thrones~ Clash~" \
      --data-urlencode "qauthor= George~ R.R.~ Martin~" \
      --data-urlencode "sort=books_id asc"

    cmd: (^ before newline continues line, even inside '...')

    curl --silent --get localhost:8983/api/schema-designer/query ^
      --data-urlencode "_=1658489222229" ^
      --data-urlencode "configSet=eDisMaxTest1" ^
      --data-urlencode 'q= +_query_:"{!edismax mm=75% df=name v=$qname}" ^
                           +_query_:"{!edismax mm=70% df=author v=$qauthor}" ^
                           +inStock:true' ^
      --data-urlencode "qname= Game~ Thrones~ Clash~" ^
      --data-urlencode "qauthor= George~ R.R.~ Martin~" ^
      --data-urlencode "sort=books_id asc"

    Response: two books as desired

          "q":" +_query_:\"{!edismax mm=75% df=name v=$qname}\"\n
                +_query_:\"{!edismax mm=70% df=author v=$qauthor}\"\n
          "qauthor":" George~ R.R.~ Martin~",
          "qname":" Game~ Thrones~ Clash~",
          "sort":"books_id asc",
            "name":"Game Thrones Clash",
            "author":"George R.R. Martin",
            "name":"Game Thrones",
            "author":"George Martin",


    [1] Nested Query Parser (Solr Reference Guide / Query Guide / Query Syntax and Parsers / Other Query Parsers)

    [2] Nested Queries in Solr

    [3] Local Params (Solr Reference Guide / Query Guide / Query Syntax and Parsers)

    [4] Query type short form (Solr Reference Guide / Query Guide / Query Syntax and Parsers / Local Params)

    [5] Extended DisMax (eDisMax) Query Parser (Solr Reference Guide / Query Guide / Query Syntax and Parsers)

    [6] mm (Minimum [Should-term] Match) Parameter (Solr Reference Guide / Query Guide / Query Syntax and Parsers / DisMax Query Parser)

    [7] df [default field] (Solr Reference Guide / Query Guide / Query Syntax and Parsers / Standard Query Parser / Standard Query Parser Parameters)