I have had tough luck with the StreamUnreadIndicator() within the getStream API. I am trying to essentially have an indicator on the list tile for whenever a new message comes in. But nothing returns. I tried putting some debug prints to at least get the number of unread messages for the channel, but it is always 0.
Here's my message list view:
Widget _messagesList(List<dynamic>? messages, StreamChatClient client,
int messageCount, bool friendsTab) {
return ListView.separated(
keyboardDismissBehavior: ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.onDrag,
itemCount: messageCount,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return GestureDetector(
onTap: () {
Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) =>
sourceType: SourceType.justMet,
receiverUser: friendsTab ? friends[index] : chatRequesters[index],
userName: userName,
channelId: messages![index].channel,
streamToken: streamToken,
client: StreamChatCore.of(context).client,
child: ListTile(
title: friendsTab ? Text(friends[index].firstName) : Text(chatRequesters[index].firstName),
subtitle: _buildLastMessage(messages![index].channel, client),
trailing: Column(
children: [
cid: "messaging:"+messages[index].channel,
_buildLastMessageAt(messages[index].channel, client),
leading: CircleAvatar(
radius: 30,
backgroundImage: CachedNetworkImageProvider(
friendsTab ? friends[index].photoUrl : chatRequesters[index].photoUrl
separatorBuilder: (context, index) {
return const Divider();
They seem to have updated their backend and now it works without me changing anything. I noticed they changed their docs recently too after this question.