Unable to create Service in Azure Service Fabric Cluster [.NET 6 and ASP.NET Core 6.0] through Azure DevOps Pipeline

We have couple of stateless services deployed into Azure Service Fabric cluster (developed in ASP.NET Core 2.1), all are up and running, I started to upgrade one of the services to .NET 6 (ASP.NET Core 6), newly created service tested locally and deploying into Azure Service Fabric cluster through Azure DevOps pipeline (CI/CD). Post successful deployment, service is not available in SF Cluster whereas I can see the application, even I did not see error during deployment (CD) for the Deploy Service Fabric deployment task.

enter image description here

However, I can publish the application through Visual Studio 2022 and service is running into Azure Service Fabric cluster. But unable to deploy API through Azure DevOps Release Pipeline with 'Deploy Service Fabric Application Deployment' task, although old ASP.NET Core 2.1 application deploying successfully with same task.

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Azure DevOps Pipeline

CI for Service Fabric application

enter image description here

Update service manifest task enter image description here


enter image description here

Deploy Service Fabric task log showing Removing application from image store, even I can't see the DNS name during deployment which I mention in StartupServices.xml

enter image description here

Settings in CD for Deploy Service Fabric task

enter image description here


  • I deployed the service in the existing cluster [earlier version was ASP.NET Core 2.1] with existing CI/CD and it works. But still I don't know why I'm unable to deploy new service in the cluster which developed on top of .NET 6.0 version.