
ColdFusion : Record Deletion

I have a crypto bot that is working well. But every once in awhile I get a data delete error. It usually occurs when I reload the page or an auto reload happens and the record was deleted just prior I think. And new data was not populated in or it has that #deleted# in table?

On each load it just puts new prices in. and deletes those from 30mins ago. Just trying to avoid creating huge price database. So i just delete the 30 mins prior. But get this error every once in awhile. ColdFusion 2016 : MS Access

Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Record is deleted.
The error occurred on line 4.

<cfquery name="trdel" datasource="kickin_crypto">
    delete * from bot_data
    where prtime <= #createODBCDateTime(timethirty)#


  • Created a separate scheduled task 30minutes. Fixed. Does it once... Doesn't loop over deleted records.