I'm using rust for windows to use the win32 API.
However, I need to initialize com library to use some windows APIs, but I cannot find some classes ID (CLSID), to create an instance.
I need to find the Speech ISpVoice CLSID to use in my instance creation.
is the CLSID.
Also, I cannot find some macros like "FAILED", and "SUCCEEDED".
If anyone can direct me, that would be appreciated!
Also, if there's any error in my code, please highlight it me.
use windows::Win32::System::Com::{CoInitializeEx, CoCreateInstance};
use windows::Win32::System::{Com, Ole};
use windows::core::{ HRESULT, Error };
use windows::Win32::Media::Speech::ISpVoice;
fn main() {
let speaker: ISpVoice;
unsafe {
if CoInitializeEx(std::ptr::null(), Com::COINIT_MULTITHREADED) ==Result::Ok(()) {
let hr: HRESULT = CoCreateInstance(, punkouter, dwclscontext)
If anything is unclear, please let me know!
The windows
crate declares the SpVoice
constant which is the value of the CLSID_SpVoice
class ID. As you have discovered, that's the CLSID
you want to pass into CoCreateInstance
The latter returns a windows::core::Result<T>
, which models the same semantics as C code using the SUCCEEDED
macros would. You can either match
on the Ok
or Err
variants manually, or use the ?
operator for convenient error propagation:
use std::ptr;
use windows::{
Media::Speech::{ISpVoice, SpVoice},
System::Com::{CoCreateInstance, CoInitializeEx, CLSCTX_ALL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED},
fn main() -> Result<()> {
unsafe { CoInitializeEx(ptr::null(), COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED) }?;
let _speaker: ISpVoice = unsafe { CoCreateInstance(&SpVoice, None, CLSCTX_ALL) }?;
In case you need a CLSID
that's not available through the windows
crate, you can always construct a GUID
constant using either from_values
or from_u128
const CLSID_SpVoice: GUID = GUID::from_u128(0x96749377_3391_11d2_9ee3_00c04f797396);
Note that the value is exactly the value you were given in a comment. Your assessment that C++ and Rust were any different with respect to COM is unfounded. They are indeed the same thing, just with different syntax.