
What is the relationship between non-blocking I/O and Kotlin coroutines?

What is the relationship between Kotlin coroutines and non-blocking I/O? Does one imply the other? What happens if I use blocking I/O? How does this affect performance?


  • Coroutines are designed to contain non-blocking (i.e. CPU-bound) code. This is why the default coroutine dispatcher – Dispatchers.Default – has a total of max(2, num_of_cpus) threads to execute dispatched coroutines. For example, by default a highly concurrent program such as a web server running in a computer with 2 CPUs would have its compute capacity degraded by 50% while a thread blocks waiting on I/O to complete in a coroutine.

    Non-blocking I/O is not a feature of coroutines though. Coroutines simply provide an easier programming model consisting of suspending functions instead of hard-to-read CompletableFuture<T> continuations in Java, and structured concurrency among other concepts.

    To understand how coroutines and non-blocking I/O work together, here's a practical example:

    server.js: A simple Node.js HTTP server that receives a request, and returns a response ~5s after.

    const { createServer } = require("http");
    let reqCount = 0;
    const server = createServer(async (req, res) => {
        const { method, url } = req;
        const reqNumber = ++reqCount;
        console.log(`${new Date().toISOString()} [${reqNumber}] ${method} ${url}`);
        await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));
        console.log(`${new Date().toISOString()} [${reqNumber}] done!`);
    console.log("Server started!");

    main.kt: Sends 128 HTTP requests to the Node.js server using three implementations:

    1. withJdkClientBlocking(): Invokes JDK11 java.net.http.HttpClient's blocking I/O methods inside of a coroutine dispatched by Dispatchers.IO.

    import java.net.URI
    import java.net.http.HttpClient as JDK11HttpClient
    import java.net.http.HttpRequest as JDK11HttpRequest
    import java.net.http.HttpResponse as JDK11HttpResponse
    import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
    import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
    fun withJdkClientBlocking() {
        println("Running with JDK11 client using blocking send()")
        val client = JDK11HttpClient.newHttpClient()
        runExample {
            // Sometimes you can't avoid coroutines with blocking I/O methods.
            // These must be always be dispatched by Dispatchers.IO.
            withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
                // Kotlin compiler warns this is a blocking I/O method.
                val response = client.send(
                // Return status code.

    2. withJdkClientNonBlocking(): Invokes JDK11 java.net.HttpClient non-blocking I/O methods. These methods return a CompletableFuture<T> whose results are consumed using CompletionStage<T>.await() interoperability extension function from kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8. Even though the I/O does not block any thread, the asynchronous request/response marshalling/unmarshalling runs on a Java Executor, so the example uses a single-threaded executor to illustrate how a single thread can handle many concurrent requests due to the non-blocking I/O.

    import java.net.URI
    import java.net.http.HttpClient as JDK11HttpClient
    import java.net.http.HttpRequest as JDK11HttpRequest
    import java.net.http.HttpResponse as JDK11HttpResponse
    import java.util.concurrent.Executors
    import kotlinx.coroutines.future.await
    fun withJdkClientNonBlocking() {
        println("Running with JDK11 client using non-blocking sendAsync()")
        val httpExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
        val client = JDK11HttpClient.newBuilder().executor(httpExecutor).build()
        try {
            runExample {
                // We use `.await()` for interoperability with `CompletableFuture`.
                val response = client.sendAsync(
                // Return status code.
        } finally {

    3. withKtorHttpClient() Uses Ktor, a non-blocking I/O HTTP client written with Kotlin and coroutines.

    import io.ktor.client.engine.cio.CIO
    import io.ktor.client.HttpClient as KtorClient
    import io.ktor.client.request.get
    import io.ktor.client.statement.HttpResponse as KtorHttpResponse
    fun withKtorHttpClient() {
        println("Running with Ktor client")
        // Non-blocking I/O does not imply unlimited connections to a host.
        // You are still limited by the number of ephemeral ports (an other limits like file descriptors).
        // With no configurable thread limit, you can configure the max number of connections.
        // Note that HTTP/2 allows concurrent requests with a single connection.
        KtorClient(CIO) { engine { maxConnectionsCount = 128 } }.use { client ->
            runExample {
                // KtorClient.get() is a suspend fun, so suspension is implicit here
                val response = client.get<KtorHttpResponse>("http://localhost:8080")
                // Return status code.

    Putting it all together:

    import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
    import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
    import kotlinx.coroutines.asCoroutineDispatcher
    import kotlinx.coroutines.async
    import kotlinx.coroutines.awaitAll
    import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
    fun runExample(block: suspend () -> Int) {
        var successCount = 0
        var failCount = 0
        Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().asCoroutineDispatcher().use { dispatcher ->
            measureTimeMillis {
                runBlocking(dispatcher) {
                    val responses = mutableListOf<Deferred<Int>>()
                    repeat(128) { responses += async { block() } }
                    responses.awaitAll().forEach {
                        if (it in 200..399) {
                        } else {
            }.also {
                println("Successfully sent ${success + fail} requests in ${it}ms: $successCount were successful and $failCount failed.")
    fun main() {

    Example run:

    main.kt (with # comments for clarification)

    # There were ~6,454ms of overhead in this execution
    Running with JDK11 client using blocking send()
    Successfully sent 128 requests in 16454ms: 128 were successful and 0 failed.
    # There were ~203ms of overhead in this execution
    Running with JDK11 client using non-blocking sendAsync()
    Successfully sent 128 requests in 5203ms: 128 were successful and 0 failed.
    # There were ~862ms of overhead in this execution
    Running with Ktor client
    Successfully sent 128 requests in 5862ms: 128 were successful and 0 failed.

    server.js (with # comments for clarification)

    # These are the requests from JDK11's HttpClient blocking I/O.
    # Notice how we only receive 64 requests at a time.
    # This is because Dispatchers.IO has a limit of 64 threads by default, so main.kt can't send anymore requests until those are done and the Dispatchers.IO threads are released.
    2022-07-24T17:59:29.107Z [1] GET /
    2022-07-24T17:59:29.218Z [64] GET /
    2022-07-24T17:59:34.124Z [1] done!
    2022-07-24T17:59:34.219Z [64] done!
    2022-07-24T17:59:35.618Z [65] GET /
    2022-07-24T17:59:35.653Z [128] GET /
    2022-07-24T17:59:40.624Z [65] done!
    2022-07-24T17:59:40.655Z [128] done!
    # These are the requests from JDK11's HttpClient non-blocking I/O.
    # Notice how we receive all 128 requests at once.
    2022-07-24T17:59:41.163Z [129] GET /
    2022-07-24T17:59:41.257Z [256] GET /
    2022-07-24T17:59:46.170Z [129] done!
    2022-07-24T17:59:46.276Z [256] done!
    # These are there requests from Ktor's HTTP client non-blocking I/O.
    # Notice how we also receive all 128 requests at once.
    2022-07-24T17:59:46.869Z [257] GET /
    2022-07-24T17:59:46.918Z [384] GET /
    2022-07-24T17:59:51.874Z [257] done!
    2022-07-24T17:59:51.921Z [384] done!