I am trying to migrate a setup which generates all the types exactly like what the server has into something which is based on just the document nodes that we've written.
I currenly have this configuration in .graphqlrc.js
/** @type {import('graphql-config').IGraphQLConfig} */
const graphqlConfig = {
schema: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL,
documents: './src/graphql/**/*.ts',
extensions: {
codegen: {
hooks: {
afterAllFileWrite: ['prettier --write'],
generates: {
'./src/__generated__/graphql.ts': {
plugins: [
add: {
content: '/* eslint-disable */',
config: {
disableDescriptions: true,
'./src/__generated__/introspection-result.ts': {
plugins: ['fragment-matcher'],
config: {
useExplicitTyping: true,
and this generates something like below
export type QueryName = {
__typename?: 'Query'
| { __typename?: 'A' }
| { __typename?: 'B' }
| {
__typename?: 'C'
id: string
prop1: any
prop2: any
that is not exactly what I was expecting to be generated. I am expecting something like
export type QueryName = {
__typename?: 'Query'
resource?: {
__typename?: 'C'
id: string
prop1: any
prop2: any
as I am only querying for C
. The types that is currently getting generated will affect a lot of codes whereas if I could output what I want to achieve, we only need to change the types.
I've tried playing with the config found here but could not find a solution. Please let me know if this is possible or if there's something I could take a look at to solve this.
Thanks in advance!
I eventually end up using tiny-invariant package for this. Consider the ff code
const {data} = useUserQuery({variables: {id}});
// more codes here...
invariant(data.user.__typename === "User");
// now we should get the type that we want here