I implemented the following code, where I can pass in the name of the resource and it should give me the URL. I am using Xcode 14 Beta 3.
static let baseUrl = "localhost:8080"
static func resource(for resourceName: String) -> URL? {
var components = URLComponents()
components.scheme = "http"
components.percentEncodedHost = baseUrl
components.path = "/\(resourceName)"
return components.url
I am passing a resource name as 'my-pets' and it is supposed to be returning http://localhost:8080/my-pets
but it keeps returning http://my-pets
. I am not sure where I am making a mistake.
You're passing "localhost:8080" as a hostname. This isn't correct. The hostname is "localhost". 8080 goes in the port
You may want to use this approach instead:
let baseURL = URLComponents(string: "http://localhost:8080")!
func resource(for resourceName: String) -> URL? {
var components = baseURL
components.path = "/\(resourceName)"
return components.url
You might also do it this way, if the problem is really this simple:
let baseURL = URL(string: "http://localhost:8080")!
func resource(for resourceName: String) -> URL? {
baseURL.appending(path: resourceName)