as in title, i tried to run my script with a rule in outlook the program worked find on its own but once i linked it with a rule it keeps showing this error, what's wrong? i've tried evrything i could, re opening outlook, reset rules etcetc but it's still not working. it always just shows 'The script "" doesn't exist or is invalid'. here is my code below
Sub FolderCreation(oLookMail As Outlook.MailItem)
Const tFFolderPath As String = "R:\xxxxxxx"
Dim oLookItem As Object
Dim oLookFldr As Folder
Dim folderObj, newFldr As Outlook.Folder
Dim oLookName As NameSpace
Dim yearStr, dummyFolderName, tFSubFolderPath As String
Dim Quarter
mailDate = oLookMail.ReceivedTime
Quarter = CStr((Month(mailDate) + 2) \ 3)
yearStr = CStr(year(mailsDate))
dummyFolderName = yearStr & "Q" & Quarter
trailerFeeSubFolderPath = tFFolderPath & yearStr & "Q" & Quarter
Debug.Print dummyFolderName
'Create Folder On Drive
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not .FolderExists(tFSubFolderPath) Then .CreateFolder tFSubFolderPath
End With
Set oLookName = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set oLookFldr = oLookName.Folders("")
'Create Folder in Outlook
existvalue = False
For Each folderObj In oLookFldr.Folders
If folderObj.Name = "XYXY" Then existvalue = True
If existvalue = False Then
Set newFldr = oLookFldr.Folders.Add("XYXY")
End If
Set oLookFldr = oLookName.Folders("").Folders("XYXY")
'Create Subfolder under XYXY
existvalue = False
For Each folderObj In oLookFldr.Folders
If folderObj.Name = dummyFolderName Then existvalue = True
If existvalue = False Then
Set newFldr = oLookFldr.Folders.Add(dummyFolderName)
End If
'Create Folder in Drive (public function that works)
CreateFHFolders (dummyFolderName)
Dim kwFull As String
Dim keyWord() As String
kwFull = "aaa,bbb,ccc"
keyWord = Split(kwFull, ",")
Dim fHName As String
Dim saveAttPath As String
Dim fileName As String
If oLookMail.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
For Each kw In keyWord
If InStr(oLookMail.Subject, kw) > 0 Then
Select Case kw
Case "aaa"
fHName = "KKK"
Case "bbb"
fHName = "HHH"
Case "ccc"
fHName = "JJJ"
End Select
saveAttPath = tFFolderPath & dummyFolderName & "\" & fHName & "\"
For Each Att In oLookMail.Attachments
fileName = Att.fileName
Att.SaveAsFile saveAttPath & fileName
End If
End If
End Sub
it is a module.
Try to declare the sub as public in the following way:
Public Sub FolderCreation(oLookMail As Outlook.MailItem)
If it doesn't work you need to place the VBA macro to the ThisOutlookSession
module to be discoverable.
Read more about that in the Outlook's Rules and Alerts: Run a Script article.